We would love to see everyone whose child attends the school to contribute in some way – whether it's volunteering your time or offering financial support.

There are lots of ways you can help at PPS:

  1. Volunteer at fundraising events and social functions – be it baking or selling, sourcing prizes for auction items, manning stalls or BBQs, helping hang decorations, setting up & packing away, tidying the school grounds at the working bee, supervising children at their school disco – there's always something fun to get involved in! 

  2. Speak to your class parent representative and volunteer for literacy groups, excursions or other activities being organised by your child's teacher.

  3. Parents are encouraged to contribute via the school fees to the P&C Voluntary Levy ($100 per annum) and the P&C Building Fund ($50 per annum) each year. Payments to the P&C Building Fund are 100% tax deductible.

  4. Help supervise children at off-site sporting events and instrumental, choir or dance performances. 

  5. Join the P&C and attend the meetings, so you can have your say on the school and P&C’s priorities.

  6. Use Bendigo Bank for your mortgages or loans. For anyone who takes out a new home or investment loan with Bendigo Bank (whose child participates in school banking), the bank will gift Pymble Public a $500 donation.

  7. Make a general monetary donation to the P&C.

  8. Donate preloved uniforms to the 2nd Hand Uniform Shop.

  9. Help out with general gardening and handyman activities – the list is long, and there's always something to do!

  10. Help out with POOSH (Pymble Out of School Hours) activities and celebrations.

  11. Grab a friend and attend the FUNdraising functions at PPS…and have FUN!


A little bit of time at school really does go a long way – it's rewarding, and the kids love to see their parents being involved! 

If you'd like to help out but aren't sure where to start, contact the Social & Fundraising Coordinator or fill in the form below. Be sure to follow our Pymble Public School Parents Facebook page as we often post requests for help there too.