Everyone is welcome, and we’d love you to join us!

2024 P&C meeting dates:

Term 1:

Wednesday 21st February 2024

Term 2:

Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Term 3:

Wednesday 14th August 2024

Term 4:

Wednesday 13th November 2024

Wednesday 13th November 2024 (AGM)

Meeting FAQ

If I attend a P&C Association meeting regularly and don’t pay am I a member?

We love to see new faces however you will only be considered an observer and will not be able to participate in the procedures of the meeting. Only a financial member can participate in the democratic decision making processes of a P&C Association. It is the discretion of the chairperson to allow you to participate during the meeting.

Do I need to have proof that I paid my annual subscription (membership fee)?

Yes. The treasurer will issue you a receipt once you have paid your annual subscription and you must retain this receipt for the membership period as proof of payment.

I’m a Life Member do I need to still pay?

Yes. If you wish to participate in the democratic decision making processes of a P&C Association you will need to pay the annual subscription (membership fee). Life membership is an honorarium bestowed on you by the P&C Association. It does not entitle you to participate in the P&C Association as a member unless you are a financial member and have paid the annual subscription (membership fee).

Is the Principal a member of the P&C Association?

Yes. The Principal is always a member by virtue of their role as an ex officio member.

I am a new member and have paid my annual subscription (membership fee) for the first time at this meeting, can I vote?

No. A new member who pays their annual subscription (membership fee) for the first time at a P&C Association General or Annual General Meeting will not be eligible to vote at that meeting due to the register of members only being updated after each general meeting of the P&C Association. Once the register of members is updated they are considered a P&C Association member for voting purposes at the next P&C Association meeting.

What if I pay my annual subscription (membership fee) between meetings?

Annual subscription (membership fee) paid to the Treasurer between meetings, will only be recognised as financial at the close of the next P&C Association General Meeting when the Treasurer reports. 

Does the President have to attend all of the events?

No. Your P&C Association may elect representatives to attend specific events on their behalf. This may indeed by the President but it is also suitable to choose who represents your P&C Association from within your membership. Invitations to events should be placed on the agenda of your next meeting for discussion.

 Who can be elected to a position?

Only financial P&C members are eligible to stand and be elected to a position.

Who conducts the ballot?

The ballot is conducted by the Returning Officer. The Principal is often invited to take this role otherwise it is determined by the meeting and is to be undertaken by someone who plays no part in the election (i.e. does not intend to stand for a position nor wishes to cast a vote).

Are there any restrictions on holding a position?

The P&C Association’s by-laws will indicate if there are any restrictions such as tenure for any representative position.

Can one person hold more than one office bearer position?


Can two members of the same family be office bearers at the same time?


Can school staff be members of the P&C Association?


Can P&C Association employees be members of the P&C Association?


Can P&C employees be elected to Officer Bearer positions?

No. P&C Association employees cannot hold an office bearer or executive position.

When do the roles change hands?

Immediately. Once the Returning Officer declares the ballots the office bearers commence their roles.

When do we present the AGM minutes for approval?

The minutes of the AGM are presented for acceptance at either the next AGM or the next general meeting. Minutes are required to be circulated to members.

We didn’t fill all of our positions?

Not to worry. This makes the positions casual vacancies and you should place them on the Agenda for all meetings until members nominate to the roles. Make sure to promote the position and the duties to the whole school community.

Is it really a P&C Association matter?

Where an issue is raised regarding individual children or families this is not a P&C Association matter and the people involved or affected need to make an approach to the Principal directly. P&C Association meetings are not suitable forums for discussing individual students, specific teaching practices/classroom incidents or specific families. If you find your P&C Association discussing personal matters ask the President to move on to the next item of business.

Should P&C Associations be involved in School Ceremonies?

As the official representative of parents and community in the school, the P&C Association should be involved in all ceremonial and special occasions at the school. These cover such things as the opening of a new school or of new buildings, libraries, etc. in established schools, Education Week, sports days, centenaries, and community events in which the school is involved. On such occasions the P&C Association will of course act with the Principal in co-ordinating parental involvement.


Membership of the Pymble Public School P&C Association is open to all parents and guardians of pupils attending the school and to all citizens. Pymble Public School P&C Association is always keen to welcome new members and particularly members who access or have an interest in the services provided by the P&C Association, such as our POOSH, Canteen and Uniform Shops.

Membership does not mean that you must participate on a subcommittee or automatically be volunteered to every P&C event. Our P&C Executive Committee benefit from having a diverse membership representing all year groups and backgrounds. The P&C are directed by the school population parent group, without participation and membership you cannot vote.

Annual membership is $1.00 and entitles you to be involved in the decision making of Pymble Public School P&C Association. When you become a financial member, you agree to follow the Constitution, by-laws, Code of Conduct and sub-committee rules as adopted by the Pymble Public School P&C Association. Copies of these materials are available from the Secretary at each meeting or via request.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please complete the form below and bring it with you to the next meeting of the Pymble Public School P&C Association. If you are unable to attend the next meeting but wish to become a member, please submit this form and payment to the Treasurer via the school front office.

If you have any questions, please Email.