Welcome Kindergarten 2025
A warm welcome to all Kindy parents & carers from the P&C community.
We know this is an exciting new chapter for you and your child as you begin your PPS journey and enjoy the various events we (as the P&C) host. We are proud of the sense of community that the school parent body fosters.
This website, alongside a very useful parents’ Facebook page (we welcome you to become a member by searching on FB for Pymble Public School Parents) is hosted by the P&C. Please ensure you answer the simple qualifying questions. We encourage you to look around to build a picture of what it is the P&C do and gain information about various community initiatives. We hope it will help you answer some of the many questions you’re bound to have. If you’re still not sure of something please feel free to contact the school office direct.
The school hosts a number of events to help you and your child get ready for Kindy.
Look out for the following:
Stationery list Kindergarten ( Stationery_list_Kindergarten_2024.pdf)
Best Start ( To Be Announced), individual session time/date advised by school.
Tea & Tissues (To Be Announced )
More information can be found on the Pymble Public School website.
”Tea & Tissues” on the first day of Kindy, a relaxed event hosted by P&C to welcome all new parents to PPS. It is a great opportunity to meet other new parents and also chat with existing parents. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity!
There is also a Kindy What’s app group, https://chat.whatsapp.com/C0jt7BWhtvL1EFbPtRRQ9B
You can contact our kindergarten liason : k2liaison.ppspc@gmail.com
And a Facebook page, search for Pymble Public School Parents and join the community page.
Wearing your first school uniform is a key moment in any child’s life, and an emotional one for any parent! To help ensure you have all that is required our website details what uniform items are needed and where to purchase them. Plus fitting times for new students and how to book. With the option to buy brand new or from our quality second hand uniform store.
during the year there will be many social events arranged including informal catch up’s at local playgrounds. By ensuring your details are up to date you’ll soon get to know many other PPS families.
The school end of year carols concert is a casual picnic on the school oval. It’s a great way to help your child with the transition to school and meet other families. Plus they might even meet Santa!