Why we fundraise
What is fundraising for?
The P&C raises funds to supply much needed resources and facilities which otherwise would be outside the budget provided by the Department of Education. The funding aim is to benefit as many children as possible. The below lists some examples of the great things your P&C have been able to provide for our children over the past 20 years:
Dedicated new building for the second-hand and Alinta uniform shops: $20,000
Expanded and reconfigured storage for our multi award winning Instrumental Programme $10,000
Primary COLA (covered outdoor learning area) : $120,000
Outdoor speaker and sound system for the COLA: $1,700
A/C in school hall: $50,500 and its ongoing annual maintenance fees
Laptops: $20,000
iPad minis: $64,000
4 Outdoor covered tables & landscaping around the Yr 4 block: $18,000
Commercial fridge & freezer purchased for canteen: $10,000
Playground Artwork: $3,200
Marquee with school logo: $2,500
Automatic Defibrillator: $1,000
Going back further, P&C Committees have fundraised for generations. The crown jewel of the P&C’s historical fundraising efforts is the installation of the school’s swimming pool in 1969. The extraordinary efforts of the parents and carers in 1969 demonstrating superbly how such efforts can continue to benefit students decades later.
How much money does the P&C raise?
Over the last three years, the P&C has made an average profit of approx. $24,000 per annum. This money goes directly to the planned resource/equipment/facility needs identified by the committee in conjunction with the principal.
What is the P&C Voluntary Levy? How does this differ to the P&C Building Fund?
Each year, a P&C voluntary levy is included in the school fee schedule. This money is held in trust at the school and passed onto the P&C in March and July each year. It covers the cost of insurance, public liability, registration fees etc. These funds also enable the P&C to provide many resources and activities that are of benefit to the whole school community.
Monies from the P&C Building Fund go toward key building projects that have been prioritised by the school and P&C Committee. Even if every family contributed the minimum amount, we would still not achieve our total target, which is why we still arrange fundraising events such as cake stalls, school parent trivia nights, school fetes etc. Donations to the P&C Building Fund are 100% tax deductable.
How else do you raise funds?
In addition to fundraising and the P&C levies, the P&C Committee monitors both Government and Private Grant schemes. The P&C Committee prepares compelling applications to ensure we have the best chance of securing additional funds with the aim of securing this external funding so as to reduce the pressure on the school community.
The P&C Committee is always looking for volunteers to help with finding, assessing and applying with grants – please get in touch if you can help in this way.
Who decides where the money goes?
P&C Committee members vote on funding items that have been tabled by the committee and PPS parents as a priority. Any PPS parent can become a member for just $1 annual membership – so it’s another great reason to join the Committee so you can make sure your funding preferences are heard.
What are our current funding priorities?
Resurfacing of the netball court and improving drainage in immediate surrounds. Total project costs are approximately $70,000 and the P&C aims to fundraise for the shortfall required after the successful $35,000 CBP grant (see above).
Installation of lighting at the Crown Road school entrance to improve safety for community and school users of school facilities after dark. Total project costs are approximately $7000, with $3500 anticipated to be raised via the Bendigo Bank community grant (see above)
It is expected that the school’s leaking swimming pool will soon need to be either extensively repaired and refurbished or outright replaced. The P&C as a Subcommittee investigating options, but it is anticipated this will become a funding priority to the tune of several hundred thousand dollars.
The below lists some examples of the great things your P&C have been able to provide for our children:
Primary COLA (covered outdoor learning area) : $120,000
Outdoor speaker and sound system for the COLA: $1,700
A/C in school hall: $50,500
Laptops: $20,000
iPad minis: $64,000
4 outdoor covered tables & landscaping around the Yr 4 block: $18,000
Commercial fridge & freezer purchased for canteen: $10,000
Playground artwork: $3,200
Marquee with school logo: $2,500
Automatic defibrillator: $1,000
The below highlights some of the fun events and activities that have been organised at PPS:
Lunar New Year/Welcome to PPS - parent night – a family event kicking off the year giving families an opportunity to meet new and familiar faces. The event celebrates our multiculturalism at PPS, with a focus on embracing all the wonderful cultures at the school.
Family Movie Night – a movie night for the whole family to enjoy. Families bring a picnic and enjoy the movie on the big screen within the school grounds. Food/activities on offer include: BBQ, cupcake stall, popcorn, drinks and coffee as well as glow sticks for the kids.
Easter Egg Hamper Raffle – Easter egg hamper is offered with tickets sent home to on-sell or for families to purchase themselves.
Bulb sale – Families are offered the chance to order flower bulbs for the garden through a catalogue. 50% of all proceeds are donated to PPS.
Cookbook - PPS has its very own full colour, professionally published cookbook, ‘Our Table'. With over 250 ‘tried and tested' family-favourite recipes reflecting the cultural diversity enjoyed at our school, it's sure to make a wonderful addition to anyone's cookbook collection – or a fabulous gift for friends and family. If you’d like to purchase one please email.
Parents Fundraiser Evenings - PPS parents are invited for a themed night of fun usually with live music and silent auctions.
Polling Station BBQ – an opportunity to come to the school to place your vote and support PPS at the same time. We typically offer a BBQ, cake stall, second hand books and much more!
PPS Sponsored Fun Run – PPS students are given the opportunity to participate in a Fun Run with sponsorship forms for them to have fun meeting their fundraising target and win great prizes.
Father's Day Breakfast – P&C hosts a great PPS tradition of Father's day breakfast for the students and their dads at school.
School Disco - All PPS students are invited to this fun event. They have a blast dressing up, enjoying the music and entertainment.