

What do we fundraise for? 

The P&C primary raises funds to supplement resources and facilities which otherwise would be outside the budget provided by the NSW Department of Education. More information of DoE funding can be found at their website (link).  

The aim of the P&C fundraising is to benefit as many children as possible. The parent volunteers consult with the school community and school principal to set funding priorities. All parents are welcome to have their say in what the P&C should raise money for and where the money should be spent.

The following is a list of the projects delivered by the P&C in the last few years.

·       Infants (K-2) playground refurbishment/upgrade including soft-fall areas, sandpit, play equipment and a new COLA (Covered Outdoor Learning Area) in excess of $100,000

·      Primary COLA: $120,000

·      Outdoor speaker and sound system for the COLA: $1,700

·      A/C in school hall: $50,500

·      Laptops: $20,000

·      iPad minis: $64,000

·      Outdoor covered tables & landscaping around the Year 4 block: $18,000

·      Commercial fridge & freezer purchased for canteen: $10,000

·      Playground Artwork: $3,200

·      Marquee with school logo: $2,500

·      Automatic Defibrillator: $1,000

How much money does the P&C raise?

The P&C is a not for profit entity and all money raised is spent on equipment or facilities. Money raised beyond an existing goal is held in trust for future expenditure. The fundraising target is on average approximately $24,000 per annum.

How does the P&C fundraise?

A voluntary P&C levy is included in the school fee schedule each year, once a year. This money is held in trust at the school and passed onto the P&C in March and July each year. It covers the cost of insurance, public liability, registration fees, general fundraising etc.

Separate to the P&C levy is the P&C Building Fund. Monies donated to this fund go toward key building projects that have been prioritised by the school and P&C committee. The P&C Building Fund is 100% tax deductable.

Additionally, the P&C host events throughout the year to help supplement the building fund and voluntary levy.  This additional fundraising helps to meet our funding goal and to create a vibrant community atmosphere at the school. Not all events are run to create a profit.

The P&C committee also monitors Government and Private Grant schemes which are made available for businesses and organisations to apply for. The P&C committee volunteers prepare applications on behalf of the school community to secure additional funds and reduce the financial burden parents.  For example,

·       Bendigo Bank contributed $5000 towards our new K-2 COLA and playground.

Who decides where the money goes?

P&C committee members vote on funding items that have been tabled by the committee and PPS parents as a priority. Any parent can become a P&C Member for just 50c.

Where will the money go in 2019-2020?

The school community has embraced the second-hand uniform shop as a way of reducing the cost of school uniforms. With the recent upgrade to the POOSH toilet area and the need for more space for the second-hand uniform shop the P&C committee and school executive has prioritised the need for a new portable building to house both the Alinta store and our own second-hand store. This will allow us to expand the Instrumental Programme storage area and reduce the clutter in and around the under-hall area.

Below are some highlights of the fundraising events that have been recently held at PPS:

·       Election Day/ polling station BBQ/cake stall

·       Colour Run

·       Spring Fair

·       Cook book

·       Easter egg hamper raffle