Federal Election Mini Market 2019
Thank you for helping. When you arrive for your time slot can you please find Sally Seymour the organiser of the day for a quick briefing prior to starting your shift.
Thank you again.
Election Day Doodle Poll
The following links are for Doodle polls to register to help the P&C fundraise at this years Federal Election Mini Market. The money we raise will help to buy a new building for our new and improved second hand uniform shop and the relocation of the Alinta uniform shop. This will in turn give the P&C additional space to expand our band store room.
Sorting, pricing and packaging Friday 17th (3pm++)
To volunteer to price the books and package the cakes please follow the link to the Doodle Poll. This will be done in the School Office after school on the Friday afternoon.
To volunteer for the BBQ please follow the link to our Doodle Poll.
Bake Sale
To volunteer for the bake sale please follow the link to our Doodle Poll.
Book Stall
To volunteer for the book stall please follow the link to our Doodle Poll.
Bric a Brac Stall
To volunteer for the bric a brac stall please follow the link to our Doodle Poll.
Asian Food Stall
To volunteer for the Asian food stall please follow the link to our Doodle Poll.
More ways to get involved…
Busking - PPS Instrumental Programme
Please note, we DO NOT have any access to the band room and hall on Saturday 18th May as this is where they store the voting papers. If you require instruments (drums, amps, keyboards etc) from the band room and hall you will need to get them out on Friday afternoon and leave them in the office. Debs and Beck did this before the State election but they won't be there this time . You will also need to set up on your own. I will come and go on the day but won't be there the entire time.
To sign up to busk please go to the Doodle Poll.
Share on socials….
Election Day Mini Market Flyer
Please feel free to download and share this flyer for the Mini Market with your neighbours, social media, or if you have a business can you please place it in your front window.
Share our event with your friends and social groups to encourage them to come and vote at the School.
Democracy Sausage
Check us out at democracy sausage!