If you are not sure who to contact or have a general question or query please email us and it will be forwarded to the appropriate person.
The Committee
President: Sally Davie
Vice Presidents: Robert Yue and Alicia Ferrier
Treasurer: Glenn Gao
Secretary: Penny Lannen
Executive Members: Alicia Ferrier, Jes Stone-Herbert, Jade Wang and Cameron Martin
Parent Liaison
Digital Communication: TBC
Promotions: Neda Zand (Yousefian)
2nd Hand Uniform: Keri Garnys and Lisa Ashton
Instrumental Programme: Cath Powell
Grounds & Facilities: Gayle King and Laurie Ritchie
English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD): Kaye Zhang (Chinese), Angela Choi (Korean)
Fundraising: Danielle Visione
The following outlines the responsibilities of the Office Holders and Sub-Committee members of the P&C. To be elected to one of these positions, and to vote in the election process, a person must be financial, having paid the annual membership fee (of $1) prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Provides leadership of the P&C acting as its representative and overseeing its accountability.
The President is responsible for:
The successful functioning of the P&C Association meetings. By ensuring that:
The agenda is distributed to members 7 days prior to a scheduled meeting.
The minutes are taken and distributed within 7 days of a scheduled meeting.
The dates for the meetings are published prior to the commencement of a school term.
The attainment of the P&C Association's objectives.
Ensuring that the P&C Association takes part in decision-making processes in the school.
Schedules meetings with the Principle to discuss school matters.
Fostering fair participation of all members and ensuring that all new members are made to feel welcome.
Supporting, encouraging, recognising and thanking volunteers in our school.
Consistent adherence to the constitution and ensuring that all members understand there roles and responsibilities.
Acting as the P&C Association's spokesperson when public statements or actions are needed.
Developing relationships with sponsors and supporters of the school.
Fostering community relationships.
Applying for grants and seeking financial relationships with P&C suppliers.
Being signatory on the Association's bank accounts.
Chairing meetings, in the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents will chair the meeting or the meeting can elect a chairperson from the members present for that meeting.
The President is automatically a member of each subcommittee and is responsible for ensuring that each subcommittee has the resources required.
Vice Presidents
The PPS P&C Constitution requires two Vice Presidents. Provide support and provide assistance to the President. They can substitute for the President in any or all of the Presidents roles from time to time as required. One of the two Vice Presidents should hold no other role in the P&C. The second of the Vice Presidents can hold another minor role on the P&C.
The Vice Presidents are responsible for:
Assisting the President in any or all responsibilities.
Chairing a meeting in the absence of the President.
They are signatories on the Associations’ bank accounts.
Attend P&C and Executive meetings.
The Secretary is responsible for carrying out the administrative tasks related to the decisions of the meetings as resolved. The Secretary prepares, in consultation with the President, all meeting agendas.
The Secretary is required to attend P&C Association meetings and take notes of the discussions in order to produce a set of Minutes for subsequent distribution to members and for receipt, possible amendment and adoption at the following meeting. (In the absence of the Secretary the meeting should elect a person to take the Minutes, this person should be identified in the Minutes.)
Further, the position includes receiving and tabling all correspondence as well as writing and dispatching outgoing correspondence as resolved/appropriate.
The Secretary also issues notice of all meetings and maintains official records of the P&C Association such as
Code of Conduct
Privacy Policy
Social Media Policy
Rules of subcommittees
Incorporation Certificate
ABN details
List of financial (voting) members
Attendance book
Contact details for each member of the P&C
Records of login and account details for services used by the P&C including mailchimp, squarespace, doodle, facebook, instragram etc
Whilst all P&C members must be mindful of complying with financial accountability requirements, this is the Treasurer's primary responsibility. The Treasurer has overall responsibility for receiving and depositing monies, maintaining records, drawing cheques and presenting accounts.
The Treasurer also ensures that all funds held and handled by P&C are properly and openly accounted for as the Treasurer is responsible for all funds held in the name of the P&C Association.
The Treasurer should encourage members to understand the state of the P&C Association finances. The Treasurer must ensure a case book or books are kept, recording all financial transactions of the P&C Association. Planning, budgeting and cash flow.
The financial accounts of the P&C Association must be submitted to an independent audit each year. The Treasurer produces a full statement of financial position declaring all funds held in the name of the P&C Association, including those of sub-committees, along with the Secretary who presents the Minute book of the same period to the Auditor. After completion of the audit the financial statements, with all signed certificates appended, are to be presented at the Annual General Meeting for approval and adoption.
P&C Executive
Includes the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer plus up to 6 elected members. Ensures decisions of the P&C meetings are acted upon.
Parent Liaison K-2 and 3-6
There are two positions for parent liaison one for the junior school and one for the senior school. Each role has a different focus. In K-2 the focus is on welcoming the new parents into the PPS community. You will be helping new parents with the day to day challenges of learning what big school is all about. This position suits someone who believes wants to engage with the class parents and help build a community.
Organises and offers support to class parents for all classes
Welcomes new families to PPS, including EALD families, and assists them become part of the school community
Guides class parents in the organisation of morning teas, park plays and social activities for parents
Offers care and support to families in need
Develops close communication between parents and teachers
The focus of the Y3-6 parent liaison is to provide assistance to class parents. The position is based around parents that have been part of the PPS community for a few years and so this role is one of organisation and support.
Events Management
Primary person responsible for organising all events at PPS.
Creates subcommittees for all events and offers assistance to the subcommittee members
Does risk assessments at the school
Creates and follows checklists for each event
Events Subcommittee
Group of parents that want to help contribute a small amount to a bigger event.
Organisers of social functions
Organisers of fundraising
All activities for the school are controlled by Event Manager
Group of people that help to create regular events such as Father’s Day Breakfast, Disco and Mother’s Day Stall
Buys gifts to the Mother’s Day Stall etc
English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) Coordinator
Is the main point of contact for all members of the school community who have English as an additional language or dialect
Ensures that the EALD community has the information needed to be actively involved in the overall school community and encourages participation as necessary
Responsible for disseminating important information to the EALD community, eg. fundraisers, social events etc
Gathers ideas, suggestions and recommendations to ensure these are considered as part of the schools/P&C's planning of events and activities.
Grounds & Facilities Coordinator
Oversees the effective utilisation of school buildings, grounds and facilities by the community, thereby extending the use of existing facilities and generating additional income for the school
Prepares and submits applications for any grants available to improve school facilities
Organises working bees, including selected planting as per approved P&C projects.
Instrumental Programme Coordinator
Oversees the PPS Instrumental Programme. Effectively organising and maintaining the administration and operations associated with the programme
Liaises with students of the school, parents, staff and the wider school community on all aspects of the programme
Is the main liaison point between the conductors, ensemble managers and staff.
Uniform Coordinator
Manages the relationship of the school's uniform supplier, Alinta Apparel on behalf of the school.
Manages the collection and re-sale of pre-loved school clothing on behalf of the school.
Promotions Coordinator
Helps share the community message of the P&C. We have a number of streams that link busy parents with each other and the school. We need someone to oversee a team of parents that share a passion for our school community.
Social Media Parent
Helps update the Facebook pages, highlight P&C fundraising and other events plus sharing photos/stories.
Email Parent(s)
Helps write and distribute the occasional email to help parents stay ahead of what’s on at PPS and to advertise the events that the P&C are hosting
Designer/Graphic Artist
Updates the flyers, logos and information notes to the parents on behalf of the P&C.